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Cockroach Control Glendale AZ

Tried and True Cockroach Pest Control

Cockroaches are one of the most common insects. Based on fossil evidence, cockroaches are known to have been present on earth for nearly 350 million years. Their sizes vary considerably; some species can be up to several inches long. Some biologists consider insects to be one of the most successful groups of animals to ever inhabit earth, and cockroaches are one of the most adaptable and successful insect groups.

Cockroach Control Glendale AZ

Many of the same outstanding biological characteristics that make them so successful in nature can also make them some of the most difficult pests to control. Cockroaches, especially German cockroaches, are some of the most commonly encountered household insect pests in much of the United States, and many other areas worldwide. Fortunately, efficient control technology and pest management understanding are now available to allow consistently high levels of cockroach control for most species and in most situations.

The Different Species of Cockroaches

Only a few of the cockroach species found in the United States routinely enter and infest our dwellings. These are the most popular:

  • German Cockroach
  • American Cockroach
  • Oriental Cockroach
  • Brown-Banded Cockroach
  • Smoky Cockroach
  • Australian Cockroach
  • Brown Cockroach
  • Woods Cockroach
  • Field Cockroach
  • Asian Cockroach

Of these species, five probably represent most of all cockroach management concerns in and around buildings. In some parts of the country, one species may be more prevalent than another. Certain other species may infest homes or other buildings but will generally be found in a much-localized situation or only under other unusual circumstances.

What Causes Cockroaches in a Home?

The presence of cockroaches is often detected by their damage or by the fecal matter called frass, they deposit. These clues can aid in diagnosing a cockroach problem. Cockroaches may eat such things as

  • Glue or Paste
  • Starch
  • Certain Colors of Dyes
  • Any Food Products
  • Stamps
  • Envelopes
  • Bindings of Older Books
  • Draperies
  • Occasionally Wallpaper
  • Food Preparation Areas
  • Food Storage Areas

The size of the mandible marks and the apparent degree of vigor with which the insects have fed can be indications of the type of cockroach that did the damage. The size and shape of fecal droppings are also clues to cockroach species involved.

The most important aspect of cockroach damage is a result of their habit of feeding and harboring in damp and unsanitary places. Filth and germs from these sources are spread by the cockroaches onto food supplies, surfaces, dishes, utensils, and other surfaces. Cockroaches contaminate far more food than they eat. Diseases transmitted as a result of these habits include various forms of food poisoning or gastroenteritis.

How Dangerous are Cockroaches?

Cockroaches are a source of health-threatening allergens and can trigger life-threatening asthma attacks. However, studies have found that some people have a less severe attitude about cockroaches, such that low levels of cockroach presence and an occasional sighting may be acceptable. These attitudes, or tolerances, about cockroach presence, may be acceptable indoors, while some low or moderate levels may be acceptable in the landscape. In either case, a carefully considered and executed management program will be necessary.

Cockroaches produce an odorous secretion from various points in their bodies, and these secretions can affect the flavor of foods. Disease-producing organisms, such as bacteria, have been found on cockroach bodies. Although sever digestive diseases have been transmitted experimentally, different forms of gastroenteritis appear to be the principal disease transmitted by cockroaches.

For those with severe allergic reactions, and particularly for those who have a chronic lung disease such as asthma, allergy attacks to cockroaches can be very serious and even life-threatening. All forms of contact with cockroaches should be kept to a minimum.

How to Get Rid of Roaches in Your House?

To control German roaches, Anteater Exterminating utilizes different gel baits. The bait is injected in small pinhead size placements into the cracks and crevices that the German roach uses for harborage. The secret to effective pest control is bait placement. The Anteater Exterminating certified service technician has been highly trained and knows just where to place the bait strategically. The German roaches consume the bait then die. The babies hatch from the eggs, consume the bait, and die. The circle of life is broken, and the pest infestation is exterminated. Follow-up services are needed to replenish all bait that is consumed.

Sewer roaches can come from the outside in or from the sewer system that is connected to your home. Outside, the placement of granule bait is the most effective solution. The bait must tolerate high temperate and moisture. If the bait is placed correctly, the roaches will find it, eat it and die. If the roaches are coming from the sewer system, then you may need to have the city treat the public lines.

Reliable Cockroach Control Near Me for Residential and Commercial Properties

Cockroaches are more than just a nuisance—they pose serious health risks and can quickly become a widespread infestation if not properly managed. From contaminating food to triggering allergies and asthma, these resilient pests require a strategic and professional approach for effective removal. Don’t let cockroaches take over your Glendale property. For expert cockroach control, trust the professionals at Anteater Exterminating to eliminate the problem at its source.

Roach Extermination Process Glendale AZ

Take a proactive approach and prevent future infestations and get lasting peace of mind for your home or business. Contact us today for reliable and effective cockroach control in Glendale, AZ!